
Showing posts from August 20, 2020


 TIPS FOR NEWBIE PROGRAMMERS!!!!!!!!!!! Safety T-1 : You can not understand everything at the starting of programming. So do not think you know nothing. Everyone struggles at the starting of programming. You should not give up. T-2 : Basics are just like 'ABC' of programming. First, learn the concepts of programming and then master them. T-3 : Do not hesitate to ask for help. Programming is not an easy job. You may need helps from experts. T-4 : Code Regularly, if you code regularly you will understand and remember the concepts better. Also, your retention power will increase day by day. T-5 : Stick to one language, learning multiple programming languages is good but, during the start keep pace with one language. More than one language will make your programming syntax worst. T-6 : Tutorials provide a lot of knowledge but in the long run, it will affect your thinking and thinking is the most important part of the programming. T-7 : Taking a short break will help you concentrate...