How to create a Java Program -
How to create a Java Program - *Step-1: write a syntax of Java Program //Begining of a class name. //Begining of a Method of Java program. //End of a method name. //End of the class name. //class Class Name{}. *Step-2: Save your program with the same ClassName. *Step-3: compile the code with the command "JAVAC ClassName". *Step-4 Now run the program code on command prompt with command "JAVA ClaasName". Definition of Main words using in the program - *Public - This word using for access outside of class. *Static - This word is using for code, they can run itself without an object. *Void - This word is used for does not return anything. *Main - This word is used for the Method name entry point. *String args[] - This word is used for passing arguments through the command line. Some Rules for making class. Class names should be nouns. MIxed case with the first letter of each internal word capitalized. cannot start with...