How to create a Java Program -

How to create a Java Program -

*Step-1: write a syntax of Java Program

 //Begining of a class name.

 //Begining of a Method of Java program.

 //End of a method name.

 //End of the class name.

 //class   Class Name{}.

*Step-2: Save your program with the same ClassName.

*Step-3: compile the code with the command "JAVAC ClassName".

*Step-4 Now run the program code on command prompt with command "JAVA ClaasName".

Definition of Main words using in the program -

 *Public - This word using for access outside of class.

 *Static - This word is using for code, they can run itself without an object.

 *Void - This word is used for does not return anything.

 *Main - This word is used for the Method name entry point.

 *String args[] - This word is used for passing arguments through the command line.

Some Rules for making class.

  • Class names should be nouns.

  • MIxed case with the first letter of each internal word capitalized.

  • cannot start with numbers.

  • No special character allowed except '_' & '$'.

Variables in Java programming language -

Variable is a container which holds a value. Variable assigned with a data type.

Its name for a memory location.

There are three types of variables.

  1. Local Variable: variable declared inside a method. We can use only inside the method. Class not aware of any variable scope inside a method. A local variable can not be defined with a Static keyword.
  2. Instance variable: variable declared inside a class. not declare as static. Each instantiated object of the class has a separate copy.
  3. Static Variable: Variable declared as static is called a static variable.IT can't be local. Create a single copy and share with all instance of a class.

*Declare a variable - 

data_type_name = Value;

Ex - int x = 10;

        double y = 22.3;

*Naming Convention - 

No space to allowed in a variable name.

Can not start with '$' and other  '_' symbol not allowed.

Variable name starts with a small letter it's not mandatory its for lengthy variables names that have more than one word do it like the following.

"int first number = 10;"

In java everything case sensitive [keywords and name].

*Data Types -

Data types are the value that can be used in Variable each type Has a different size.

there are 2 types of them.

1.Primitive Data type

2.Non-Primitive Data Type

*Operators -

*Keywords -

There is a '51' reserved word in a JAVA Programming language, which means '51' predefined meaning words present in JAVA. In Java programming language these keywords did not use for other purposes.

JAVA Control Statement -

If statement: 

There are multiple 'If' condition.

'If' the condition is true then do it and condition is not true then don't do it.

Nested If Statement : 

So I have a condition, the condition is true am going inside and one more 'If' condition So that It is called a Nested If condition.

If-else Statement : 

So you go and check a condition if in case the condition is true the executing a block in case condition is not true that means it going to lose block.

If-else-If Statement: 

A few steps of the 'if-else-if' condition if some condition or else go-to another condition.

Switch Case Introduction -

Switch case is mostly used with break statements even those it's optional.

  • When we have a number of options and a number of choices and we might need to perform different tasks for each choice.

  • Each case statement can have a break statement in order to stop the flow, else all of them will be executed.

  • Duplicate case values are not allowed.

  • Values for a case must be the same type as the switch.

Array Introduction -

The array is used to store multiple values in a single variable instead of declaring separate variables for each value.

To initiate an array define the variable type with[] square brackets.

Access the elements using the index numbers.

Looping Concepts -

For Loop: 

  •  For loop is used to integrate a part of code several times.

  • In case if the number of iteration is fixed, it is better choices to use for loop.

We have three types of 'For' loops.

  • For loop

  • For each

  • Labeled for loop

While loop: 

  • While loop is used to integrate a part of the program several times for loop.

  • But we will not have the iteration fixed.

  • While condition verified then it will go inside the loop.

  • Increment/Decrement happens inside while loop

Do-While loop: 

  • Similar to while, used to iterate a part of code several times, Again we will not have the fixed value for the limit.

  • But at least once loop will run.

  • Because this one executes the code then evaluates the condition.

Break and Continue Statement -

Break statement : 

  • The break is used to come out of the loop instantly.

  • Whenever break encounter in a loop, control directly come out of loop gets terminated

  • The break statement is used to break the loop or switch statement.
Break the current flow.

Continue statement : 

  • It used to loop when you need to jump to the next iteration immediately.

  • Can be used in for, while and do-while loop.

Comment in Java -

  • The data which we provided inside the comments we will not use the comments we will not take for compilation.

  • It used to tell the compiler not the use the commented lines.

  • We can use to provide some additional information or explanation forex class method and variables.

Types of Comments:

  • Single line method: The single line comment is used to comment on only one line.

  • Multi-line method: The multiline comment is used to comment multiline of code.

  • Documentation: The documentation comment is used to create document API, you need to use java document tool.

String (It belongs to class) -

  • It is a sequence of characters.

  • The string is an immutable object which means, its constant and cannot be changed once it has been created.

  • There are multiple ways to create a String.
  1. String level
  2. Using a new keyword

  • Java string class provides a lot of methods of performing operations such as compare, concatenation, equals, split, and length.

A Way to create a String -

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